
Plant breeding

As a breeding company, we currently focus on lettuce and other leafy greens. Lettuce breeding is the majority of our work, centered on the development of novel varieties, adapted to the commercial production areas of California and Western Arizona. These include romaine and iceberg, green and red leaf, butterhead, and artisan types, with an emphasis on disease resistance and adaptability.

Disease Resistance

Current disease resistance breeding targets are:

o   lettuce Fusarium

o   lettuce Verticillium

o   lettuce Pythium

o   lettuce Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus

o   lettuce Downy Mildew (Bremia lactucae)

o   lettuce Dieback virus (Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus)

o   lettuce corky root rot (Rhizomonas suberifaciens)

Variety portfolio:


o   Lompoc – coastal romaine with resistance to lettuce dieback virus

o   Pozo – coastal romaine with resistance to lettuce dieback virus

o   Ranger – coastal romaine with resistance to lettuce dieback virus

o   Toro – coastal romaine with resistance to lettuce dieback virus

o   NNS-1888 – desert romaine with resistance to lettuce dieback virus

o   NNS-2123 – hearts only romaine with resistance to lettuce dieback virus


o   Bison – desert iceberg with resistance to lettuce Fusarium

o   NNS-3133 – desert iceberg

o   NNS-2109 – coastal iceberg with resistance to lettuce Fusarium

o   NNS-2117 – coastal iceberg with resistance to the current strains of Downy Mildew

o   NNS-2132 – coastal iceberg with resistance to lettuce Fusarium


o   Avila – greenleaf lettuce

o   Tejon – greenleaf lettuce

o   NNS-4091 – greenleaf lettuce


o   Crimson Tide - redleaf lettuce


o   NNS-1600

o   NNS-1601

Custom Seed Production

Nipomo is located on the central coast of California and offers an ideal  climate to grow high quality seed crops, as well as California native plants. We have the facilities and experience to produce open-pollinated (OP), as well as insect and hand-pollinated hybrid seed crops, under organic or conventional growing practices.

Native Plant Propagation

Nipomo Native Seeds has good success propagating several species of California natives for use in plant restoration projects, especially the genus Arctostaphylos (manzanitas).